Hot, Hot, Hot.

We are pleased to report that Gunsight Pass and Comeau Pass both have clear trail and are passable by ordinary people wearing ordinary boots.

We are not so pleased to report that this heat is making our fun a bit more challenging. The forecasts show hot conditions through the end of the month and into August. Carry twice as much water as you normally would, set your alarm clock to start your day at sunrise, and rest in the shade a lot if you find yourself hiking in the heat.

We should probably get ready for fire restrictions too. Lets not wait until the formal announcement to start being cautious with open flames or smoking out in the woods.

Happy Hiking

Sperry Chalet is ready for hikers!

We are open for 2024. The mountains are flaunting their majesty like they own the place and the Sperry Kitchen is already hopping with fresh baked bread and fresh pots of coffee.

Hikers be advised, we are expecting very hot conditions for the indefinite future. The two most important things you can do are carry additional water and start your hike early in the day while the air is still cool. Set your alarm clock for sunrise, you want as many hours of cool daylight hiking as you can get.

We also advise avoiding the Gunsight Pass Trail for the time being. There are lingering high angle snow drifts at Gunsight Pass that are very dangerous to cross. All this heat will speed up the job of opening that trail, but it is smart to give the high country another week or so before the pass will be safe to cross.

Happy Hiking!

Vehicle reservations

A frequent question we are getting is about vehicle reservations for Going to the
Sun Road.

Your chalet reservation will act as a vehicle reservation for Going to the Sun Road on your arrival date. Be sure to have a copy of your chalet reservation with you in your vehicle as you enter the park. If it is on your device, be sure it is downloaded beforehand; there may not be a signal at the entrance station.

For the 2024 season, this vehicle reservation will be required for entering Going to the Sun Road from the West Glacier entrance between 6:00am and 3:00pm.

Details about Going to the Sun Road vehicle reservations are available here:

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